11 Feb 2016

ed makes a powerful statement and it`s the most potent of all the warm colors. It is often associated with danger, excitement,
anger and strength...It is powerful on it`s own... or when paired with other hues - it can mellow. This vibrant color makes quiet a statement wherever it goes - in the body, the road and in the home. It is such a fabulous but sadly a hard color to work with. The perfect lippie? Too much on your face - for some. The red dress? Cries out... look at me everyone, I`m Julia Roberts from pretty woman. Sexy and fierce - (which of course, there`s nothing wrong with that) actually quite the contrary!
Who wouldn`t want to look like her?  

Anyway, if you dare to go bold...
here are my tips on how to welcome the "sexy" red color into your home:

- It`s perfect for a room, which is mainly used at night (think dining room) it will bring instant warmth and encourages people to socialize.

- Of course we all know, that it has been traditionally the color of love and love making - if sleeping is the last thing in your mind.
 (I`m blushing as a write this... ) haha... so, yeah, using red on your bedroom might will work wonders... Let`s move on, shall we?

- The color red draws our eyes to it, so anything red will be an attention seeker for sure.
 And will be the first thing to be noticed in a room. Regardless, of how busy the room might be.

- Red can be versatile! 
Who say`s you can`t mix pale colors (as in furnishings and accessories) with this bold hue as an accent on the wall(s)?
(As seen on the two photos above).

- If you are tempted to use red in any of your rooms...
... (but you don`t think that you are brave enough to have a room painted all in red - I`m with you on that one)....
 Make sure you use plenty of white for contrast... (just like the color black) it needs white for mellowing / soften the look.

- Decorating a room in red, means, you want to make a bold statement. Now which color red to choose?
(As seen on the both bathrooms as an example).

 The brightest red is scarlet (think tomatoes).
 Red - brown (think quarry floors).
 While crimson. is a richer color, between red and rose...
And to the right, there`s a chart of the many other reds available... 

- The color red is perfect to use - if your room let`s in lots of natural daylight! 
(As seen in the room above, that belongs to the very talented designer Cath Kidson).

- Okay, let`s face it, if you arent` into big statements and you like subtly restful rooms... and most importantly you are quick to change your mind when it comes to decor... maybe it`s worth considering adding furnishings and accessories in the color red, since a big dose of this more than vibrant than life color, might not be for you! Here, red takes center stage - Not just on walls, but on furnishings. (Think artwork, bedding, headboard, cushions, curtains and accessories...) all are totally doable.

(Just like with fashion)...

(As you can see, (on the photos above) a little pop of red, might just be the perfect answer)!

While in a home...

 Updated photo: (Like these ones...that I was lucky enough, to receive for Valentine`s day).





- Give some pizzazz to one of your outdated pieces of furniture, that are feeling a bit sorry for themselves... paint it in the color red -
 to make it stand out even more. It`s as if, they put a smile on your face as soon as you see it! Like yellow... is such a happy color!

- Also, red makes the perfect backdrop for your pictures and artwork.

- And gray, makes the perfect pairing when matched with red.

- If still in doubt and think it might be too overpowering... add a feature wall, instead!

- But if you want to achieve a cocoon - like effect... go all out and paint the ceiling , while you`re at it.

- So, what do you think of the color red? Would you have it in your home? No. Too much of it... too daring for you? 
Yes. You like the bold vibe that evokes! Still undecided, so please have a look at these other beautiful rooms below. 

While me?
I prefer to use it in small doses only... as seen on the photo below, in my lounge!
(Notice how instantly the color red (on my sofa) gives life - a sort of voice to my living room, as well as warmth and energy).
I love red? What about you? If not... Have I managed to change your mind?


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