4 Feb 2016

Today`s post, is about one of the things that we take for granted in the world of design and overall in our daily life`s.
 Lighting. Beautiful and mesmerizing lighting!
or a long while lighting was only seen, as a necessity to dangle something from a rose in the
center of a ceiling (to prettify a room) Back then, it was given little thought and it was considered extremely daring to use any other form of lighting. The result was that "the room" would normally feel cold, dark and uninviting. These days, there`s no need to be in the dark about lighting. ( Aha, I just couldn`t help myself )! Since technology and product design has advanced so much, making it possible for us to enhance our homes, not just with lamps and light to see by, but with awesome dramatic effects too. With a mere flick of a switch, you can determine how you want your room to feel like. By having the right light, you can make an average room look spectacular, disguise flaws and emphasize your beloved treasures. Also lighting can enhance color schemes, make boxy rooms look more spacious, and make overly large rooms seem more cozy and intimate.

( Take this room for example, imagine how cozy and super welcoming it must feel, when both side table lamps are lit.)

 Nowadays we are so lucky, to have  an amazing range of lighting available, that if chosen right, 
will allow us to create the most magical of effects.

Source:  http://www.lafabrika.be/ Source:  http://airows.com/design Source:  https://www.flickr.com

And also, we can now use our artistic flair, on how we display our beautiful lighting too! 
(I personally like this inexpensive but cool idea on the photo above, on the right side... and might just have to borrow it).
Although, all these other ideas are great too! How much fun - does this eclectic room (above) looks? Mostly, because of the clever unusual use of the ceiling lights. So don`t forget to think outside the box and have fun with your light fitting (s) - to give your room the wow factor that it deserves! Also, with the right chosen fittings , not only will make your room more appealing, but it helps to carry out the many varied daily functions that are today`s necessities.
Ex: Applying make-up...
And eating...
 Writing letters... (more like, for paying the dreadful bills)! 
A blog post (aha)...
So it can highlight your must treasured pieces of art...
And also for reading...
Besides the bed... for emergencies,
Sewing and crafting, to name just a few...
Something else to take into consideration, is that the correctly chosen light fittings are so important to create "a certain ambiance" -
 whether you want to create:
Drama, at a dinner party....
A restful feel in the bedroom....
Or, the need of having a relaxing bath, after a long stressful day...

Have you got a favorite light fitting?
 Do you prefer the traditional form of lighting...
Or, glamorous, the best?

This post, is my first about lighting. Since there`s so much more to talk about... I`m hoping to discuss more basics of lighting, how to choose the right light, and share many cool lights that are out there waiting to be discovered and used. From cutting edge trends to hot tech. Also, I hope that you like these inspirational rooms and feel free to pin as many photos as your heart desires!
 Because I`m nice like that! :)

Sources:http://www.tomkirk.com/ http://www.wdesign.hk/ https://www.flickr.com http://www.elledecor.com/ http://cotedetexas.blogspot.co.uk  http://www.homedit.com/  http://witanddelight.tumblr.com/ http://www.cotemaison.fr/  http://maisonboheme.blogspot.co.uk/  http://thedesigndaredevil.com/ http://www.bykoket.com/ minnickinteriors.comhttp://www.elledecor.com/ camillestyles.com eclectictrends.com remodelista.com miluccia.net houzz.co.uk nuevoestilo.micasarevista.com houseofspace.com justinetaylor.tumblr.com lovelylife.se robertomigotto.com.br homeportfolio.com theberry.com elledecor.com timelessliving.com http://greigedesign.blogspot.co.uk/ lefashion.com mydomaine.com huffingtonpost.com decocrush.fr admagazine.fr dreambookdesign.com archdaily.com apartmenttherapy.com nicety.livejournal.com tempodadelicadeza.com theultralinx.com stylecaster.com saligodesign.com annagillar.se lonny.com theaestate.tumblr.com cindiray.com wingsviewathome.tumble.com livelaughdecorate.com vintageluxetumblr.com http://www.decorpad.com/  http://www.elledecor.com/  http://www.stylist.co.uk/  https://www.flickr.com  http://misszeit.tumblr.com/ viralnova.com  http://greigedesign.blogspot.co.uk/ http://www.tilejunket.com.au/

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